Martina Račič Slovenia
Slovenia, the world capital of honey
05 April 2018 Incentive travel

Honey in Slovenia is like wine in France – it’s everywhere and the quality is superb. With 60 % of the country covered by forest, Slovenia has a big variety of honey production and great incentive opportunities for groups excited about nature and culture. We talked about honey incentives with Martina Racic, our project manager in Ljubljana.


Why could we say that Slovenia is the world capital of honey?

Martina: Slovenia has 10.000 beekeepers – almost as many as there are teachers! On 20th of May, we will celebrate the first world bee day, that was proposed by Slovenian beekeepers and we have certified beekeeping tourist guides. Our Carnolian bee is supposed to be the most productive bee in the world and urban beekeeping is hot in Ljubljana: hotel Park in Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Slovenia’s biggest conference centre both keep bees on their roof.

Why is honey a perfect incentive product?

Martina: I believe that honey presents a very intriguing stroy in our incentive programs. You want to pamper your team and often, you also want them to de-stress. Honey is known for its anti-stress effects. It also works like a glue and with incentive events, we want to connect the team, stick them like a glue and we can (literally) stick them with honey.

How you can incorporate the honey story in incentive programs?

Martina: Beekeeping brings a once in a lifetime experience for incentive groups that you can experience only in Slovenia. Our beekeeping culture and knowledge is in our blood and you can experience a real culinary treat by tasting sparkling honey wine, experience +10 kinds of honey, honey cookies, honey picnic and more. To pamper your soul and take care of your health, you can indulge yourself with honey massage that detoxifies your body or experience API therapy where you inhale the air from the bee honeycomb.

What would be your recommendation for groups that like testing their creativity?

Martina: Groups can create their own “panjska koncnica” – home for bees and paint it in their own way, which is deeply connected to the Slovenian culture. Incentive guests can make honey candles and even become beekeepers – dress up in the protective beekeeper’s suit, open the honeycomb and take out the honey with their own hands.

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