Tomaž Krušič Croatia
Combining an incentive trip to Dubrovnik with CSR event in Bosnia
13 September 2016 Incentive travel

When a global telecommunication company awarded fifty of its top performers with a five day incentive trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia, it devoted one day to a socially responsible activity. Recognising that time is limited, they worked closely with a local DMC to find a project that’s small-scale enough to make a difference in a few hours. On a proposal of Intours DMC, the group crossed border to Bosnia to do some work with a children’s football club. 

The group of programmers, IT managers, engineers, lawyers and economists worked their fingers to the bone to renovate the Trebinje Youth Football Club. They replaced asbestos roof with a new metal roofing, installed new doors and windows as well as painted the rooms and benches. “By volunteering, we would like to show that there is a world which cares about the children of Trebinje and sees their athletic potential,” said Jason Sullivan of Colt Group that dedicated 800 volunteering hours and founds for renovation. 

Intours DMC is very proud to have designed an incentive program, which combines the splendour of Dubrovnik and a unique CSR project for disadvantaged local communities in the neighbouring country. Such an incentive program enables companies to reward employees with luxury travel experiences in world famous destinations and at the same time give back to the local communities in need. "It often ends up being the highlight of the trip," commented Sullivan. "It’s quite an emotional experience and it really gets people talking to each other."

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